Sune Sohma
Former student of Baldesion, Sune Sohma now wanders the world, exploring everything she spent her early life reading so much about. She loves to meet new people, but often needs her own space to recharge. During the daytime, her location is unpredictable, but at night, her true nature shines in the comfort of her favorite venues. There, she seeks pleasure that knows no bounds, hoping to be left with a foggy head to let her sleep soundly.
Courting on Mon & Tues, 12am-4am EST at Genie Bottle >
Dancing on Fri, 9pm-12am EST at Event Horizon >
ERP Friendly: Yes
Rates: 600k/Hour NSFW (no lalas) | 250K/Hour SFW
Age: 23
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Sexual Preferences: SubmissiveTop Kinks: Bondage; Being Controlled; Masochism
Hard Limits: Anything involving blood, urine or fecal matter.